Road user understanding of traffic information on VMS signs

by Lene Herrstedt and Belinda la Cour Lund


Mare Nostrum is a European project under EU- EasyWay ESG4 Expert Study Group. The main purpose is to create the knowledge base for VMS harmonization in the European countries.

The test 2011 includes 48 different VMS messages for road users driving on motorways in Europe. The test 2011 has been carried out in 12 different EU countries as internet surveys:  CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, GR, IT, NL, PT, SL, SE, UK.

The test includes 6 series each including 8 VMS messages presentations.

This report includes a presentation of the Danish results.                                   

The English version of the main questions presented to the Danish respondents:

You are driving on E45 from Aarhus to Aalborg via Randers and Hobro.

Before Hobro you see this traffic sign.

  • What does it mean?
  • What does this message mean and what do you intend to do when you see it?

The main question in Danish:

Du kører på motorvejen fra Aarhus til Aalborg via Randers og Hobro.

Før Hobro ser du dette skilt på motorvejen.

  • Hvad tror du at dette budskab betyder?
  • Skriv hvad budskabet betyder og hvad vil du gøre når du ser budskabet?

Hvad søger du?
