European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has asked Søren Underlien Jensen, Trafitec, to review the current layout of Blackfriars Bridge and a preferred option by Transport for London (TfL) of 04.03.2005 of the same bridge. The preferred option is enclosed.
About 30,000 cars and 2,000 cyclists cross the Thames on Blackfriars Bridge on an average day. About 300 buses stop at each bus stop located on the south side of the bridge. Pedestrian counts indicate about 20,000 pedestrians on an average day.
Prime cyclist safety problems on the bridge seams to be improper lane changing / overtaking behaviour and major differences in motorists and cyclists speeds that cause rear-end collisions.
Site visit
A site visit was made on the 2nd September 2005. It focused on Blackfriars Road and Bridge from (including) the junction at Stamford Street in the south and to (including) the junction at Queen Victoria Street in the north. This section of Blackfriars Road is about 500 metres long. Two other junctions are located on this section at the Embankment and Upper Ground.